“Startup collaboration allows us to stay relevant and competitive”

SAAB was looking for a startup to help them solve a special challenge when they assisted Ignite Gaming last year. There we matched them with Attractive Interactive, who came up with the solution in record speed. The result was so positive that only three months after their matchmaking meeting, they had already initiated two collaborations together. Watch their presentation at Ignite Sweden Day 2019.

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The Swedish aerospace and defense company SAAB had a challenge: how to blend sensor data in a smart way to help pilots land in harsh weather conditions. That was the challenge that they presented to Attractive Interactive when they first met at one of our matchdays in 2019. 

– There are a lot of similarities between game development and a typical airspace application. That was the reason why we decided to attend Ignite Gaming in Karlskrona, explains Fredrik Kroll, Manager Innovation & Future Technology at SAAB Avionics Systems.

– It was so interesting for us as a gaming company to use everything that we have learned from making games such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality, and implement it to airplanes instead, says Pontus Björkberg, COO & co-founder of Attractive Interactive.

“We used our knowledge about gaming in a completely new domain”, says Pontus Björkberg, COO & co-founder of Attractive Interactive.

The result of this first challenge was so positive that the corporate decided to give yet another challenge to the gaming startup. Two weeks later, Attractive Interactive came up with a proof of concept for a solution that combined machine learning and an algorithm.

– This happened only 3 months after we first met. At that time we have done two collaborations together. We didn’t expect that working with SAAB would have been so fast, admits Pontus.

According to them, mutual trust and having fun are the keys to their collaboration success.

– What has really made us give 110% in this collaboration is that they trusted us to bring ideas to their table in that way. That was really encouraging and got us hooked, says Pontus.

– I am a part of a bigger group within SAAB that works with startup collaboration. We have a quite systematic approach when it comes to working with startups. We have steering and operation groups, lightweight processes, ways of working identified, we use lessons learned… The list can go on and on. But the most important thing for us is having fun. This starts in the actual matchmaking session. We really seek that spark och chemistry. Attractive Interactive is a great example of that, explains Fredrik. Startup collaboration allows us to stay relevant and competitive, he concludes.  

Would you like to learn the best collaboration practices and meet AI startups that can help your company become more relevant and competitive, just like Attractive Interaction did with SAAB? Join the Sweden Innovation Days on 17-19 November 2020. Sign up for free here.

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